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Friday, March 14, 2008

Art Craft

As of right now, monstering is not my full time job...So what, you may ask, do I do when I am not chained to my sewing machine or laying in bed stuffing eyeballs? I work at Black Cherry Puppet Theater here in Baltimore,teaching residencies in schools and in after-school programs, assisting kids in building thier own puppet shows. Here's a picture of the set I just put together this afternoon.

My friend and I cut out all the cardboard pieces, and over two class sessions the third-graders painted them, and then we glued/screwed them all together to make this massive puppet stage. Next to fabric, cardboard is my second favorite material to work with! You can make anything with it!

And now I'm back home tonight, working on this machine and feverishly taking photos to update the online shop (I'll let you know when..)

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